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Overview of Our Foundation
The Naito Foundation was established in 1969 to encourage natural science researchers for preventing and treating human diseases and for contributing to the promotion of science and welfare of human beings by the financial contribution from Eisai Co., Ltd. and its founder, Mr. Toyoji Naito.
The Naito Foundation supports the research by a variety of grants such as the Naito Memorial Grant for Natural Science Researchers in Japan, the Naito Memorial Grant for Research Abroad etc., hoping that many excellent researchers would be produced in Japan in the fundamental research areas in which most of the results were made by European and American researchers.
In addition to the above, the Naito foundation holds "The Naito Conference" every year where the top level researchers in the world make public their latest research results in the area of specific research areas.
The Naito Memorial Award for the advancement of science
The Naito Foundation yearly confers an award on a scientist who has achieved an outstanding advancement of science. The scientist is awarded a gold medal with 10 million yen.
The Naito Grant for the advancement of natural science
To support a part of research expenses for scientists who are dedicated to the promotion of research.
The Naito Grant for female scientist after maternity leave
To support a female scientist who decided to resume the research work after her maternity leave.
The Naito Grant for fostering scientific full bloom for the next generation
To support a scientist who is within 10 years after the doctorate acquisition and is dedicated to the promotion of natural science research.
The Naito Grant for studying overseas
To support a scientist who wish to study abroad in the specific field of his or her research on natural science.
The Naito Grant for scientific international conferences
To support the person who is in charge of organizing an international conference (symposium, lecture meeting) held in Japan.
International conference means that of which the total number of participants ranges from 50 to 500, and attendees come from more than two different countries.
The Naito Conference
The Naito Conference is an esteemed international academic conference dedicated to the promotion of basic research in the natural sciences. Since its inception in 1991, it has been held almost twice a year. This exclusive conference is conducted in a closed format over a four-day retreat. It brings together approximately 25 leading scientists in the thematic areas from around the world, who are invited to participate, along with about 60 poster presenters selected from public applicants by the organizing committee. During the conference, the latest research results in the thematic areas are reported and opinions are actively exchanged, serving as a cornerstone for building an international network among the researchers. Awards are also given to outstanding poster presenters during the conference, to contribute fostering young researchers and the promotion of basic research in the natural sciences.