- トップページ
- コンファレンス
- これまでの内藤コンファレンス
第05回 内藤コンファレンス
神経・免疫・内分泌ネットワーク [II]
開催期間 | 1995年10月25日(水)~1995年10月28日(土) |
場所 | 内藤記念くすり博物館・内藤記念ホール(岐阜県) |
参加人数 | 招待講演者:25名 ポスター発表者:53名 |
Introduction:Immune elements in the nervous system integration
- Prostanoids and prostanoid receptors:A link between cytokines and neuronal functions
- [Shu Narumiya]
- Kyoto University,
- Cytokines and their receptors in the brain
- [Masamichi Satoh /Masabumi Minami]
- Kyoto University,
- Pyrogenic and cryogenic actions of cytokines
- [Matthew J.Kluger]
- The Lovelace Institutes,
- Somnogenic actions of cytokines
- [James M.Krueger]
- University of Tennessee,
- Pain modulating actions by cytokines and PGE2 in the brain
- [Takakazu Oka/Tetsuro Hori]
- Kyushu University,
- Regulation of cytokine gene expression in the central nervous system: mechanisms and functional consequences
- [Robert Dantzer]
Neural control of immune system
- Characterization of biorhythms specific for different immuno- cytes and their physiological control
- [Katsuo Kumagai]
- Tohoku University,
- Modulation of NK ce1ls and cytotoxic lymphocytes via conditioning of CNS pathway
- [Raymond N.Hiramoto]
- University of Alabama at Birmingham,
- Emotional response and immunity
- [Chiharu Kubo]
- Kyushu University,
- Control of Thl/Th2 Tcells by neuropeptides
- [Hiroshi Yamamoto]
- National Institute of Neuroscience,
Interaction between endocrine and immune systems
- Corticotropin releasing factor and cytokines
- [Errol B.De Souza]
- Neurocrine Bioscience Inc.,
- Cytokines and posterior pituitary functions
- [HiroshiYamashita]
- University of Occupational and Environmental Health,
- Roles of CRH and AVP in interleukin-1-induced ACTH secretion
- [Toshinori Suda/Hajime Watanobe]
- Hirosaki University,
- Natriuretic peptide family and cytokines
- [Hiroshi Ito/Kazuwa Nakao]
- Kyoto University,
- α-MSH as an anticytokine substance in the neuro-immune- endocrine networks
- [James M. Lipton]
- University of Texas,
Pathophysiology of Neuro-Immune-Endocrine Networks (1)
- The role of TNF family members in CNS inflamination
- [Nancy H. Ruddle]
- Yale University,
- Cytokines in the CNS regulated by remote axonal lesion
- [George M. Kreutzberg]
- Max Planck lnstitut Psychiatrie,
- Neurotrophic effect of cytokines in the central nervous system
- [Yoshihilro Konishi/Takeshi Tabira]
- National lnstitute of Neuroscience,
- The role of CINC/GRO in reproductive pathophysiology
- [Akira Miyake]
- Osaka University,
- Endocrine system and extrathymic T cell selection in autoimmune disease
- [Toru Abo]
- NiigataUniversity,
Pathophysiology of Neuro-Immune-Endocrine Networks (2)
- Interleukin-1 in the brain in relation to viral infection, stress and autoimmune disease
- [France Haour]
- Institut Pasteur,
- Oral tolerance and cytokines in autoimmune disease
- [Hiroshi lshida]
- National Utano Hospital,
- Role of α-MSH in the modulation of host reactions in AIDS and other onditions in humans
- [Anna Catania]
- UniversitaDegliStudi diト1ilano,
- Alzheimer's disease and immunology
- [Haruhiko Akiyama]
- Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry,
- Depression and neuropsycho immunology:Interaction between cytokines and serotonin
- [Shigeto Yamawaki]
- Hiroshima University,